In March 2022 i was browsing eBay for curiosity. To be exact i was searching "Windows XP Tablet". And even tho i saw some interesting listings, only one had my attention. "Thinkpad X41 type 1866" for 50$. I initially tought this was a standard XP laptop so i decided to open the listing and then went down to see the description which described this as a Tablet PC. I was so interested in this cause in January i lost my last perfectly working XP Machine, my EEEPC 1000HE. Fortunately for me my birthday was coming up, so i inevitably did myself a gift. The computer arrived after 4 days of shipping.
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The conditions were so good for this type of PC, often used in car shops. The only thing ruined is the Windows XP Tablet Edition label which has the center kinda "melted". The rubber top, which usually on these Thinkpads are very worn off, is actually in pretty good condition! I was so amazed by the conditions. Now, the moment i was waiting for. Turning it on... but it didn't. I was so upset, i didn't know what to do. I tried plugging the cable and removing it but it didn't do anything. Was i scammed? There was a picture showing
It worked. Phew......... And 30 seconds or so i was into Windows XP. "Insert Windows XP Startup Chime". I took the stylus out from the cover and it worked flawlessly. Now, what do i want to do with this? Well i bought this for investment and cause i love vintage things because i want to see if they have any use for today standards. But not only for that.
FINALLY IT WORKS YES! After 7 hours of dealing with different drivers i finally found it. I was sooo tired. So tired i tried one of Windows 7 amaizing pre-built in games. And oh my god. The previous drivers didn't have hardware acceleration but this one HAD! And this acceleration worked with no problems. What a roller coaster of emotions. This is the end of the post. Thank you for reading. But... the story continues. Wait for part 3. -Fully written on the Thinkpad X41T, Lolito.